
chorography [kə'rɒgrəfɪ]  [kə'rɒgrəfɪ] 

chorography 基本解释

名词地志; 地方志,地势图

chorography 网络解释


1. 地方志:chorogophic 地方志的 | chorography 地方志 | choroid 脉络膜

2. 地志学:physiography 地文学 | chorography 地志学 | palaeogeography 古地理学

3. 地方地图:chorograph 位置测定器 | chorography 地方地图 | choroisotherm 等温线

4. 地方志, 地势图:choristoma /成迷芽细胞瘤/迷离芽瘤/迷芽瘤/ | chorography /地方志/地势图/ | choroid /脉络膜的/脉络膜/

chorography 单语例句

1. The survey findings is expected to be compiled into a hutong chorography where every hutong in Beijing will have its own entry.