
chump [tʃʌmp]  [tʃʌmp] 


chump 基本解释

名词傻瓜,笨蛋; 短而厚的木块

chump 网络解释

1. (木头人=傻瓜):Mark (杰出的) 340-369 | Chump (木头人=傻瓜) 370-399 | Trick (欺骗者) 400-449

2. 无敌:CHUMP 无敌 | DANGEROUS 无限武器 | TUFF ASS 强力武器

3. 大木片:chummy 亲密的 | chump 大木片 | chunk 大块

4. 一群傻瓜:cacophonous刺耳的 | dupe,butt,chump,gull,sap, 一群傻瓜 | dyslexia阅读障碍症

chump 词典解释

1. (称呼喜欢的人)傻瓜,笨蛋
    If you call someone who you like a chump, you are telling them that they have done something rather stupid or foolish, or that they are always doing stupid things.

    e.g. The guy's a chump. I could do a better job myself.

chump 单语例句


1. That's chump change in the USA, where all 400 on Forbes'list of richest Americans are billionaires.

chump 英英释义


1. chump的反义词

1. a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of

    Synonym: fool gull mark patsy fall guy sucker soft touch mug