
chutzpah [ˈxʊtspə]  [ˈūʊtspə, ˈhʊt-] 

chutzpah 基本解释



chutzpah 网络解释


1. 放肆:n. 许多 oodles | n. 放肆 chutzpah | adj.假的,伪造的 bogus

2. 厚颜**/肆无忌惮:chutzpa /厚颜**/肆无忌惮/ | chutzpah /厚颜**/肆无忌惮/ | chylaqueous /乳糜水样的/

chutzpah 双语例句

1. For most men, a wardrobe full of old trainers is either an embarrassment or an act of laddish chutzpah, but Raoul Shah's collection is a source of pride.

2. Demerit point system [licensed food premises] He takes the cake for chutzpah!


3. Einstein had the chutzpah to discard common sense and long-established theory.


4. There's no doubt that his his luck, innovation and chutzpah have been a valuable addition to Virgin Media, she adds.

5. Usually talent agents start with nothing except their wits and chutzpah.

6. Neither smiles much, although the humour is there in their architectural chutzpah.

7. The man murdered his father and mother, but at his trial he had the chutzpah to tell the judge that he shouldn't be sent to prison because his parents were dead and he was an orphan.


8. IF THERE were an Oscar for chutzpah, Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be a shoo-in.

9. The tasks will test their intelligence, chutzpah and street-smarts.


10. Some admired his chutzpah.


11. They've got chutzpah for doing this.

12. I also want to point out the irony of speaking to graduates of an institution that would have rejected me, had I the chutzpah to apply.


13. To try to create an equivalence with so-called essential patents at least one of which dates back to the age of the pager that Motorola promised at the time to share fairly with all comers may be the modern definition of chutzpah.

14. It is just that he has the chutzpah to acknowledge what is obvious.

15. You need to show chutzpah without being annoying.


16. Traditional Jewish chutzpah is of course an integral part of the Israeli identity.

17. People think chutzpah is in the genes.

18. The firm`s chutzpah has not helped.

19. Such chutzpah seems to be the key to Mr.

chutzpah 词典解释
in AM, also use 美国英语亦用 chutzpa

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1. 胆大;无所顾忌;敢作敢为
    If you say that someone has chutzpah, you mean that you admire the fact that they are not afraid or embarrassed to do or say things that shock, surprise, or annoy other people.

    e.g. Einstein had the chutzpah to discard common sense and long-established theory.

chutzpah 单语例句

1. He may have had the chutzpah, but he did not possess the skill.

2. Chutzpah magazine's chief editor Ou Ning will debate revolution with London University's Goldsmiths college professor Scott Lash at the launch of the publication's sixth issue.

3. Diminutive in size, he overshadowed all Arabian oil barons in chutzpah.

chutzpah 英英释义


1. (Yiddish) unbelievable gall

    Synonym: chutzpa hutzpah