

circe 基本解释

abbr.circumstance 情况,详情

circe 网络解释

1. 瑟茜:故事讲述主人公格里拉斯(Gryllus)被女妖瑟茜(Circe)施法变成了一只会说话小猪,他在先知的指点下,用尽智慧和勇气最终拯救了全世界. 由于时间设定在古希腊,因此包括太阳神阿波罗在内的众多古希腊神话人物都将出现在故事中.

2. 喀耳刻:包括普罗米修斯和阿波罗等,并生育了不少子女. 喀耳刻 (Circe) : 赫利俄斯和珀耳塞的女儿,是个女魔法师,能把人变为牲畜. 还真没什么事以字母B开头的

3. 巫神星:巫神星(circe):<希腊神话>巫术女神喀耳刻(kirke),日神赫利俄斯(helios)与大洋神女珀耳塞伊斯(perseis)之女.

4. <瑟希>:因此美人鱼就变成一半女人、一半小鸟,她们住在义大利西南端的西勒(Scylla)大石和女巫瑟希(Circe)所居住的魔术之地之间的一个岛,当航海的人经过,那些水手就会被她们的呼唤所迷惑,而常常发生船难.

circe 双语例句

1. Circe metamorphosed men into swine.


2. In the Greed story, Circe turned men into pigs by her enchantment.

3. With the best mood to face the worst circe!

4. As he sets sail, Odysseus passes Circe's counsel on to his men.

5. It is such a joy. It is as in the ballet ofCirce's island. Do you remember me as Circe?

6. In Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus is warned by Circe that he will pass the sirens island.

7. He felt a loathing for them such as Circe must have felt for her swine.


8. In the Greek legend, Circe turned men into pigs.

circe 英英释义



1. (Greek mythology) a sorceress who detained Odysseus on her island and turned his men into swine