
circumstance [ˈsɜ:kəmstəns]  [ˈsɜ:rkəmstæns] 






circumstance 基本解释

名词环境,境遇; 事实,细节; 典礼,仪式


circumstance 相关词组


1. without circumstance : 不讲仪式地;

2. without omitting a single circumstance : 详详细细地, 毫无遗漏地;

circumstance 相关例句


1. He became a victim of circumstances.

2. He was forced by circumstances to do this.

3. The circumstances forced me to accept.

4. His arrival was a happy circumstance.

5. There is one important circumstance you have not mentioned.

circumstance 网络解释

1. 环境:我们认为内衣代理加盟经营企业的战略定位需要从四个方面进行思考(4C):顾客(Customer),合作伙伴(Comrade),环境(Circumstance),商品(Commodity). 一、顾客(Customer) 一种产品无法满足所有的消费阶层,同样,内衣加盟企业的发展亦须明确指出顾客群,

2. 境况:[境况] (circumstance) 外界环境所具有的属性. 词网(WordNet)是英语的词汇关系数据库,从知识本体的角度来看,词网是一个语言知识本体. 词网是1985 年由美国普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)的米勒 (G. A.

3. 条件:不顺的时候,我们更多的是抱怨,指责客观条件(circumstance),懊恼主观能力,但也从不深入的想想为什么会这样. 确实,是什么在阻挡我们的愿望? 我一直想搞清楚,却一直在不明白的混沌中过着一天又一天. 直到现在,我终于明白了,原来心愿是否能达成,

circumstance 词典解释

1. 情况;情形;形势
    The circumstances of a particular situation are the conditions which affect what happens.

    e.g. Recent opinion polls show that 60 percent favor abortion under certain circumstances...
    e.g. The strategy was too dangerous in the explosive circumstances of the times...

2. (事件发生的)情形,详情,原委
    The circumstances of an event are the way it happened or the causes of it.

    e.g. I'm making inquiries about the circumstances of Mary Dean's murder...
    e.g. Hundreds of people had died there in terrible circumstances during and after the revolution.

3. 生活状况;境况;(尤指)经济状况
    Your circumstances are the conditions of your life, especially the amount of money that you have.

    e.g. and support for the single mother, whatever her circumstances...
    e.g. I wouldn't have expected to find you in such comfortable circumstances.

4. 命运;机缘;客观环境
    Events and situations which cannot be controlled are sometimes referred to as circumstance .

    e.g. There are those, you know, who, by circumstance, end up homeless...
    e.g. You might say that we've been victims of circumstance.

5. 在任何情况下;无论如何
    You can emphasize that something must not or will not happen by saying that it must not or will not happen under any circumstances .

    e.g. Racism is wholly unacceptable under any circumstances...
    e.g. She made it clear that under no circumstances would she cancel the trip.

6. 在那种情况下;情况既然如此
    You can use in the circumstances or under the circumstances before or after a statement to indicate that you have considered the conditions affecting the situation before making the statement.

    e.g. Under the circumstances, a crash was unavoidable...
    e.g. In the circumstances, Paisley's plans looked highly appropriate.

circumstance 单语例句

1. circumstance的反义词

1. And out of that circumstance came a young man of steadiness, calm and a cheerful confidence that life would bring good things.

2. Under this circumstance, the Chinese company might have to change the brand.

3. circumstance什么意思

3. A hospital said another person was also fatally shot in the violence under similar circumstance, and there was sporadic fighting between protestors and locals in the evening.

4. His passion for rural life enabled him to observe the subtle changes of nature and farmers'everyday life in a peaceful circumstance.

5. It seemed appropriate that the focus of our work should be with young people, those who are vulnerable either through ill health or circumstance.

6. When forced by circumstance to engage in public debates, quite a few senior government officials come across as being excessively preachy and condescending.

7. This circumstance actually brings out the best in them in order to strive doubly harder because they know that their future is at stake.

8. circumstance在线翻译

8. The incident has been discussed on micro blogs, with netizens questioning whether to offer a hand in such a circumstance.

9. Ferguson played down suggestions Rooney may begin to feature regularly in United's midfield, admitting that hand had been forced by circumstance.

10. This is a basic circumstance many of our countrymen have tended to neglect when touting the country's recent progress.

circumstance 英英释义



1. information that should be kept in mind when making a decision

    e.g. another consideration is the time it would take

    Synonym: condition consideration

2. formal ceremony about important occasions

    e.g. pomp and circumstance

3. circumstance的反义词

3. a condition that accompanies or influences some event or activity

4. the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event

    e.g. the historical context

    Synonym: context setting