
civet [ˈsɪvɪt]  [ˈsɪvɪt] 

civet 基本解释

名词麝猫,麝猫香,香猫香; 炖野味

civet 情景对话



A:May I see your passport, please?

B:Yes. Here you are.

A:Are you traveling on business or for pleasure?

B:I'm going to visit my older sister in New York.

A:How long will you stay?

B:For several months.

A:Do you have anything to declare? Jewelry or cash?

B:No, I haven't. The only things I brought were my own clothes, my notebook computer and some gifts for mysister.

A:I'm sorry. I'm afraid I'll have to check these, too. Did you bring any fruits, vegetables, fresh meats orplants into this country?

B:Oh, would you kindly allow me to bring in the civet durian? It is the favorite of my sister.

A:Sorry, rotten fruit is not allowed.

B:But it is NOT rotten. It naturally has the special flavor.

A:Well, perhaps. But perishables are also not allowed.

B:Oh, my poor sister!

civet 网络解释


1. 麝猫:这些新兴起的食肉目朝着两个主要的路线发展 : 猫型总科(Feloidea) , 类似猫的食肉动物包括麝猫(civet)、猫和鬣狗家庭 ; Canoids , 例如狗、熊、浣熊(raccoon)及鼬类(mustelid) .

2. 灵猫:而在海峡的另一端,从灵猫(civet)的腺体提炼物制成的灵猫香香水在英国绅士们中间流行起来----这也难怪,当时的城市建设和卫生水准仍然是令人咋舌的低,即使是在雾都伦敦也是遍地黄白之物,为了掩盖无处不在的骚臭之气,

3. 灵猫香:灵猫香(Civet):从香猫的香腺体中提取,看起来有点像黄油,埃塞俄比亚、缅甸和泰国都出产这种香猫. 海狸香(Castoreum):是从海狸的液囊里面提取的一种红棕色的奶油状分泌物. 从公元9世纪起就有人用,最早的使用者是阿拉伯人.

4. 香:灵猫香(civet) 从香猫的香腺体中提取,看起来有点像黄油,埃塞俄比亚、缅甸和泰国都出产这种香猫. 海狸香(castoreum) 是从海狸的液囊里面提取的一种红棕色的奶油状分泌物. 从公元9世纪起就有人用,最早的使用者是阿拉伯人.

civet 单语例句

1. civet

1. The civet is a small carnivorous mammal found in Asia and Africa.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The civet cat and other rodents suspected of carrying the coronavirus that causes SARS were quickly taken off the menu.

3. When asked if it was true the second case worked in a wild game restaurant and dealed with civet cats before fell ill.

4. A virus gene sample from a suspected SARS patient in Guangdong resembled that of a coronavirus found in civet cats.

5. It used to do a thriving business in the sale of food from wild animals, including the masked palm civet and snake meat.

6. civet什么意思

6. The provincial government is pondering and discussing concrete compensation measures to civet vendors, whose livelihoods have suffered overnight.

7. The virus that lead to SARS was finally found to hide in the masked civet, which used to be popular in local restaurants.

8. Earlier this year China's media also reported that civet cats were routinely finding their way back onto Guangdong dinner tables.

9. Scientists at the University of Hong Kong said last week that the virus likely jumped to humans from the civet cat.

10. Local police on Wednesday confiscated scores of unlicensed civet cats and other wild animals.

civet 英英释义


1. cat-like mammal typically secreting musk used in perfumes

    Synonym: civet cat