civil action

civil action [ˈsivl ˈækʃən]  [ˈsɪvəl ˈækʃən] 

civil action 基本解释

civil action是什么意思


civil action 网络解释

1. 民事诉讼:司法部为此向哥伦比亚特区的地方法院提起民事诉讼(civil action),要求微软停止搭售(tying)浏览器的行为,否则将每天处以100万美金的罚锾,引发近年来美国最激烈的反托拉斯法攻战.

2. 法网边缘:然而,传统上像<<法网边缘>>(Civil Action)和<<头号病人>>这种书,往往会点明且痛责在现今美国,财务盈亏如何干预拯救人命的医学研究. 律师、政客、研究人员、公司主管和投资人全都想保住自己的特殊利益,即使因此让需要救命疗法的人无法得其所需,

3. 港- 民事訴訟:City Code 港- 倫敦<<收購守則>> 台- 倫敦商業金融圈準則 | civil action 港- 民事訴訟 | civil debt 港- 民事債項

4. 高院民事訴訟:Citation Application 傳喚書申請 HCCI HCCI | Civil Action 高院民事訴訟 HCA HCA | Commercial Action 高院商業訴訟 HCCL HCCL

civil action 单语例句

1. civil action在线翻译

1. She said she plans to bring civil action against Au for damages.

2. The court also heard the trial of the related civil action of the case on Friday.

3. The court also heard the trial of the incidental civil action of the case on Friday.

4. Yesterday's rule grants investors suffering losses in illegal deals the right to claim compensation through civil action.


5. The family will discuss whether to pursue civil action against the department.

6. Now Chinese courts cannot raise a criminal or civil action in the absence of a suspect.

7. The judge said residents may file a civil action if they still consider their private interests impeded.

8. Estoppel is applied to both other proceedings before the USPTO and in civil action.

9. Procuratorate of Mentougou district is also seeking 80 million yuan in civil compensation, the first such action in the city.

10. civil action

10. The civil disobedience was a scaling down from a threat earlier in the week for mass action.

civil action 英英释义

civil action什么意思


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. legal action to protect a private civil right or to compel a civil remedy (as distinguished from criminal prosecution)