claim attention

claim attention [kleim əˈtenʃən]  [klem əˈtɛnʃən] 

claim attention 基本解释
claim attention 网络解释

1. 值得[需要]注意:challenge attention 值得[需要]注意 | claim attention 值得[需要]注意 | come to attention [军]采取立正姿式

2. 值得注意:claim against carrier || 向承运人索赔 | claim attention || 值得注意 | claim by right of descent || 凭世袭权提出的要求

claim attention 单语例句

1. Chan's counsel Edward Chan asserted that Kung's claim was made to attract media attention.


2. According to lottery officials, most winners cover their faces when they claim their prizes to avoid unnecessary media attention.