claw back

claw back [klɔ: bæk]  [klɔ bæk] 

claw back 基本解释
claw back 网络解释

claw back的近义词

1. 弥补性收入:许多社区已经开始和公司在合同中达成弥补性收入(claw back) 协议,比如,如果公司允诺的岗位没有完全提供,或者工作岗位的工资没有达到约定的水平时,要求公司给当地补偿.

2. 递减率:class of property 财产类别 | claw-back 递减率 | clearance cost 清拆成本

3. 夺回,费力收回:Full Swing: 达到活动的高潮 | Claw Back: 夺回,费力收回 | Balance Sheet: 资产负债表

4. 加税补偿:claw 搜刮 | claw-back 加税补偿 | clay court 红土网球场

claw back 单语例句


1. Yet, the Chinese top men's singles player retained his calmness to claw back slowly but steadily.

2. The insurance magnate John Charman is currently trying to claw back more than half the biggest award in British legal history from his former wife.

3. claw back

3. He said this has helped the business claw back losses and continue to grow despite a sluggish market.

4. claw back

4. It was the Finn's fourth victory of the year, which makes him claw 10 points back from Renault's championship leader Fernando Alonso.

5. Argentina continued to claw back in the third quarter, and took the opportunities given by Brazil to score.

6. claw back的意思

6. Kimi Raikkonen won the Hungarian Grand Prix for McLaren and claw 10 points back from Renault's championship leader Fernando Alonso.

7. Sometimes it's easier to hold onto something than to claw it back.

8. The Austrian showed tremendous fighting qualities to claw his way back after losing the first set to the Wimbledon finalist rather tamely.

9. It is difficult to know if the BBC can ever claw its way back out of the hole in which it has landed itself.