
cleanser [ˈklenzə(r)]  [ˈklɛnzɚ] 


cleanser 基本解释

名词清洁剂; 清洁工; 擦亮粉,去污粉; 清洁器

cleanser 网络解释


1. 洗面奶:一般的洗面奶(Cleanser)都会破坏皮肤的酸性,润肤水(Toner)是发明来恢复酸性的东西,所以很多人会觉得润肤水有效. 当然了,皮肤自然的酸性已经被破坏了,不给平衡上肯定觉得干了. 洗面奶和润肤水其实是商家发明的一对可以多挣钱的双胞胎.

2. 去污粉:detergent 洗衣粉 | cleanser 去污粉 | tooth paste 牙膏

cleanser 词典解释

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1. 洁肤液;洗面奶;洁面乳
    A cleanser is a liquid or cream that you use for cleaning your skin.

2. (清洗厨房、卫生间的)清洁剂,去污粉
    A cleanser is a liquid or powder that you use in cleaning kitchens and bathrooms.

cleanser 单语例句

1. A pomegranate salad was the palate cleanser - followed by a rustic shredded green turnip in a clear soup and served with skinned cherry tomatoes.


2. She mixed detergent with a liquid cleanser in her bathroom, police said.

3. cleanser是什么意思

3. Dressed in a sweet Vietnamese sauce and ground peanut, the rolls were refreshing and a real palate cleanser.

4. Beer is best with it's light taste, and it doubles as a palate cleanser with its effervescence.

5. Claims that the cleanser was produced by an American company using " American technology " were also found to be false.

6. Its uses now range from a cooling skin tonic to a cleanser for summer bamboo mats to a deodorant air purifier.

cleanser 英英释义


1. a preparation used in cleaning something

    Synonym: cleansing agent cleaner