






clicked 基本解释
使发出咔哒声,使咔哒响( click的过去式和过去分词 );突然明白;配合默契;在计算机荧光屏上用鼠标器)咔嗒一按;
clicked 网络解释

1. 按钮控件被点中:*SBN 卷滚条通知消息 | clicked 按钮控件被点中 | disable 使按钮控件无效

2. 鼠标单击:Un-selected 被不选择 | Clicked 鼠标单击 | Double-clicked 鼠标双击

3. 点击链接时的声音文件:Use Paranoid Mailpassword 启用邮件和wand的密码保护 | Clicked 点击链接时的声音文件. | Enabled 启用程序声音.

clicked 单语例句


1. One day she chanced upon a collage using magazine and newspaper - and something clicked.

2. clicked的近义词

2. Fifteen minutes clicked by and the No 1 customer still sat comfortably in front of the only open window.

3. Rent the Runway found that the conversion rate for shoppers who clicked on real photos was double that of shoppers who clicked on model photos.

4. The lights clicked on in more than 1 million homes in Michigan, but gas remained in scarce supply around Detroit.

5. When she found something she liked and clicked on " buy ", she joined thousands of people who purchase erotica online.

6. I clicked to the offending site and found several of my essay collections hyped for free downloading.

7. I clicked on a couple of sites to watch him sing some folk opera songs and pitch hay on his farm.

8. A guide said almost no man who visits the spot leaves without getting his photograph clicked before the tower.

9. Zhao was already working with runaway youngsters when they met, and their common commitments ensured they clicked immediately.

10. A tubby taxi driver gathered us into his car as soon as I clicked my heels on Qingdao soil.