1. 阴核, 阴蒂:阴核-阴蒂(clitoris)又称阴核;阴蒂头的直径和长度都在2-5毫米左右,它们的大小存在较大个体差异,即使粗到10毫米也是正常的. 阴蒂体一直包裹在阴蒂包皮之中,它离开耻骨联合前缘的下部后几乎呈直角折转向前下方突起,称悬垂部,
2. 阴核:clithral 有屋顶的 | clitoris 阴核 | clivers 拉拉藤属植物
1. 阴蒂;阴核
The clitoris is a part at the front of a woman's sexual organs where she can feel sexual pleasure.
1. Female genital mutilation usually involves the removal of the clitoris and other parts of female genitalia.
2. A special ultrasound test was used to measure blood flow in the clitoris.