







clocks 基本解释
钟,座钟,挂钟( clock的名词复数 );
clocks 网络解释

1. 时钟:最佳曲目:<<时钟>>(Clocks)影响了:U2为何出色:它的原始--从圣经的黑色音乐到主唱伊安.柯蒂斯(Ian Curtis)被孤立、折磨的歌词,令人震惊. 最佳曲目:<<消逝的崭新黎明>>(New Dawn Fades)影响了:Sex Pistols为何出色:一次捕捉乐队引诱观众的现场表演的残暴尝试--混乱,

2. 钟:他们用<<时钟>>(Clocks)、<<自由万岁>>(VivalaVida)和<<揍你>>(FixYou)等歌曲获取了现场观众挥洒热情的齐声高唱,同时让不在场的观众体会到他们的控制力或者支配欲,

3. 时光易逝,青春难留:16 Cinnamon Girl 灰褐色女孩 | 17 Clocks 时光易逝,青春难留 | 18 Come Away with Me 跟我远走高飞

4. 时钟(酷玩乐队):CAN'T BUY ME LOVE 得到我的爱(披头士) | CLOCKS时钟(酷玩乐队) | COME AS YOU ARE和你来(涅磐乐队)

clocks 单语例句

1. They said the risk for pedestrians drops in the spring when clocks are set back and daylight comes earlier.

2. Deafening thunder replaced alarm clocks to wake up most Beijingers Wednesday morning, followed by hours of heavy rain.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. Parents too often function as alarm clocks, completely overseeing their children's schedules and plans.

4. In the ancient times when there were no clocks, cocks told the nation it was time to get up and start work.

5. The Sexyback singer says he plays the band's song Clocks and also does mild exercise before every gig.

6. Computer experts widely believed that hardware and software systems would fail as the clocks rolled over to the year 2000.

7. But moving clocks forward in the spring appeared to have the opposite effect.

8. These disorders are common causes of insomnia that affect millions of people whose activities are out of sync with their internal body clocks.

9. The extra second will allow the Earth to stay in sync with ultraprecise clocks, which mark time based on the vibration of atoms.

10. clocks是什么意思

10. Clocks, jars and miniature statues stand proof of some of China's most politically tumultuous years.

clocks 英英释义


1. European weed naturalized in southwestern United States and Mexico having reddish decumbent stems with small fernlike leaves and small deep reddish-lavender flowers followed by slender fruits that stick straight up
    often grown for forage

    Synonym: redstem storksbill alfilaria alfileria filaree filaria pin grass pin clover Erodium cicutarium