
clodhopper [ˈklɒdhɒpə(r)]  [ˈklɑ:dhɑ:pə(r)] 


clodhopper 基本解释



clodhopper 网络解释


1. 庄稼汉:cloddy 不值钱的 | clodhopper 庄稼汉 | clodhopping 粗鲁的

2. 乡下人,粗人:porkchopper 挂空名领薪不干事的工会领导人,只图私利的工会头头 | clodhopper 乡下人,粗人 | shopper 顾客,购物的人

3. 乡下佬/庄稼汉/粗人:cloddy /土块多的/土块一样的/不值钱的/ | clodhopper /乡下佬/庄稼汉/粗人/ | clodhopping /粗鲁的/乡下佬似的/不礼貌的/

4. 庄稼汉,乡巴佬:cloddy || 土块多的, 土里土气的, 不值钱的 | clodhopper || 庄稼汉,乡巴佬 | clodhopping || 粗鲁的, 不礼节的

clodhopper 双语例句

1. You're a real clodhopper, darling.

2. By virtue of this curious loophole in the rules, any clodhopper may say: Let there be a tree—and there will be one.

3. Sratching his head, Liubei answered, They said I am a clodhopper.

4. The man was a big, broad-shouldered, stupid-looking clodhopper of about twenty-three years of age.


5. You`re really a clodhopper. The food here is usually high caloric which may make people fatter and fatter and suffer all kinds of fat-orientation diseases.


6. Churchman b: go staight, turn right at the first crossing, then left, then right, you won't miss it! Get away, you clodhopper!

7. Absolutely, clodhopper have no word, face became white and went out one by one.

8. Look where you're going, you great clodhopper.

clodhopper 英英释义


1. a thick and heavy shoe

    Synonym: brogan brogue work shoe