closed book

closed book [kləʊzd buk]  [klozd bʊk] 

closed book 基本解释
closed book 单语例句

1. I closed the book enchanted by his charisma, his love of China and all his efforts for the country.

2. The institutional book had closed Wednesday at 0900 GMT for investors in Asia and 1700 GMT the same day for those in Europe.

3. We have just closed last year's fundraising book and last year we raised $ 65 million in real term.

4. But Edwin told me last year that for him the Dutch team was a closed book.

5. They also closed a center for memorizing the Muslim's holy book of Quran.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. ROME - Tennis officials have closed the book on Andre Agassi's drug revelations.

7. But he had to revise his travel guide Roger's Bangkok Bible, as a number of shops mentioned in the book had been burnt or closed.

closed book 英英释义


1. closed book是什么意思

1. something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained

    e.g. how it got out is a mystery
           it remains one of nature's secrets

    Synonym: mystery enigma secret