
closely ['kləʊslɪ]  [ˈkloslɪ] 

比较级:more closely

最高级:most closely

closely 基本解释

副词紧密地; 接近地; 严密地; 亲近地

closely 相关例句


1. The prisoners were closely guarded.

2. Good teaching and good testing are closely related.

3. The two things are closely interconnected.

4. He resembles his father very closely.

5. They are closely related.

closely 网络解释

1. 我也很想:我知你很lovely, | 我也很想closely, | 但是我也fearly,

2. 亲近的,紧密地:cash 金钱 | closely 亲近的,紧密地 | disclose 发现,暴露,揭示

closely 单语例句

1. " Business is linked closely with local natural resources, " Liang said.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Wednesday encouraged business communities of both China and the United States to work more closely to push forward bilateral relations.

3. The change in the shareholding structure will enable SCNB to work more closely with Siemens'mobile business unit in China.

4. The longtime Republican district fell to the Democrats Saturday when wealthy scientist and businessman Bill Foster snatched the seat in a closely watched special election.

5. Consumer spending is closely watched by economists and analysts because it accounts for 70 percent of all US economic activity.

6. It has worked closely with CAAC and other partners on a number of safety initiatives, holding safety meetings and yearly safety committee conferences.

7. This reform focused on pushing for transforming government functions and restructuring those cabinet agencies closely linked with economic system.

8. It is also a holiday that has become closely associated with plants since people hang artemisia and calamus plants in their houses for the festival.

9. closely

9. They start calculating how closely they are related to the family and how they can benefit from his rise in status.

10. Jiang said they were closely watching the groups and the specific number of gazelles would be revealed following further observation and calculation.

closely 英英释义


1. in a close relation or position in time or space

    e.g. the onsets were closely timed
           houses set closely together
           was closely involved in monitoring daily progress

2. closely

2. in a close manner

    e.g. the two phenomena are intimately connected
           the person most nearly concerned

    Synonym: intimately nearly

3. in an attentive manner

    e.g. he remained close on his guard

    Synonym: close tight