
clot [klɒt]  [klɑ:t] 









clot 基本解释


及物/不及物动词凝结; 拥塞

名词凝块; (人,动物等的)聚集

clot 相关例句


1. Perspiration clotted his hair.


1. Milk clots when it turns sour.

2. It's clotted nonsense.


1. When cream is churned, clots form.

clot 网络解释


1. 凝块:3.收集方法:用20ml针筒(Terumo)抽出换上21号针头,并以3M胶带固定,避免针头於输送途中脱落造成污染,针筒上须贴上孕妇姓名5.不接受检体:超过72hr、溶血或加错抗凝剂或血液已凝块(clot) 血液须填写「优生健康检查个案纪录联」 报

2. 血块:冰敷 (ice) 能有效将因受伤引致的发炎(由血块(clot)及其他组织的渗透如白血球或被破坏的细胞所形成)减缓、并提供止痛的效能. 研究指出,冰敷能避免身体出现第二程度受伤 (secondary injury) 的机会. 施压 (compression) 能减低流血、发炎的严重性;

3. 凝固:2.溶血、血液凝固(clot)或加错抗凝剂等采检不良情况. 自费:2500元

4. 陈冠希:Devilock自去年11月开始,庆祝品牌届满12年的各种合作案及活动纷纷开跑,日前与香港两大品牌Subcrew与CLOT携手合作,并基于Devilock与两品牌的主理人Endo、李灿森(Subcrew)与陈冠希(CLOT)原先就是好友关係,合作企划可说是一促即成,

clot 词典解释

1. (血液的)凝块
    A clot is a sticky lump that forms when blood dries up or becomes thick.

    e.g. He needed emergency surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain.

2. clot的翻译

2. (血液)凝结成块
    When blood clots, it becomes thick and forms a lump.

    e.g. The patient's blood refused to clot...
    e.g. Aspirin apparently thins the blood and inhibits clotting.

clot 单语例句

1. This interaction causes the fluid to clot into a gelatinous solid mass, known as the mating plug.

2. After an ultrasound in late April, doctors said the clot was slowly getting smaller.

3. Most heart attacks happen when fatty deposits in an artery burst open, and a blood clot then forms to seal the break.

4. clot

4. Those who took aspirin were 30 percent less likely to have a stroke caused by a blood clot.

5. WASHINGTON - Doctors discovered a blood clot in Vice President Dick Cheney's left leg Monday, a condition that could be fatal if left untreated.

6. Jimmy Dundee said his father was hospitalized for a blood clot last week and was briefly in a rehabilitation facility before returning to his apartment.


7. In his speech on Tuesday he joked about his recent treatment for a blood clot in his brain and an intestinal problem.

8. The statement by Gemelli hospital added that a scan had revealed " a slight reduction in the blood clot " and a " stable hepatic and renal situation ".

9. The blood clot is believed to have stemmed from a concussion, which happened when Clinton became dehydrated as a result of the stomach bug and fainted.

10. An ultrasound showed the blood clot - called a deep venous thrombosis - in his left lower leg.

clot 英英释义



1. a lump of material formed from the content of a liquid

    Synonym: coagulum


1. coalesce or unite in a mass

    e.g. Blood clots

    Synonym: clog

2. turn into curds

    e.g. curdled milk

    Synonym: curdle clabber

3. change from a liquid to a thickened or solid state

    e.g. coagulated blood

    Synonym: coagulate

4. cause to change from a liquid to a solid or thickened state

    Synonym: coagulate