
clout [klaʊt]  [klaʊt] 








clout 基本解释

名词敲打,猛打; (尤指政治上的)影响; 破布


clout 相关例句

1. Cast not a clout till May be out.


1. That businessman has a lot of clout at city hall.

clout 网络解释

1. 影响力:在游戏中你扮演的指挥官有4项属性,分别是兵法值(Tactics)、影响力(Clout)、修养(Education)和机甲强度(Mech Apt). 兵法值决定每场战斗你能够带领的部队数,游戏刚开始你只能带六支,最多可带十支. 影响力控制你每次胜利所能得到的现金或经验点数,

2. 敲打:clough 深谷 | clout 敲打 | clout-shoe 穿粗布鞋者

3. 垫圈:clout nail 大头钉 | clout 垫圈 | clout 破布

4. 破布:clout 垫圈 | clout 破布 | clove hitch 丁香结

clout 词典解释

1. clout的意思

1. 打;击
    If you clout someone, you hit them.

    e.g. Rachel clouted him...
    e.g. The officer clouted her on the head.

2. 影响力;权势
    A person or institution that has clout has influence and power.

    e.g. Mr Sutherland may have the clout needed to push the two trading giants into a deal...
    e.g. The two firms wield enormous clout in financial markets.

clout 单语例句

1. Recognition of a Palestinian state by the UN General Assembly would carry considerable diplomatic weight but would not carry legal clout.

2. Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda may carry out his first cabinet reshuffle since taking office in a bid to increase his political clout.

3. It also raised uncomfortable questions about the president's judgment, clout and popularity.

4. clout

4. With the financial storm close to drawing most industrialized powers into recession, analysts say emerging economies are gaining unprecedented clout on the global stage.

5. What makes most sovereign states shudder is that it now appears political and economic clout has replaced international law as justification for instigating conflicts.

6. The manufacturing clout of Chinese enterprises and their capabilities of cramming more power and functions into a product than their overseas competitors are well known.

7. He said the country's clout and confidence have improved since he took office, painting a dire portrait of the nation he inherited in 1993.

8. Shanghai also moved up in the ranking of cities with the most economic clout, going from eighth place last year to fifth this year.

9. Participants mostly brushed aside differences and said their meeting was a first step toward getting more clout on the international stage.

10. clout的近义词

10. The trip coincides with simmering US concern over the rise of China on the global diplomatic stage and China's growing economic and military clout.

clout 英英释义



1. (boxing) a blow with the fist

    e.g. I gave him a clout on his nose

    Synonym: punch poke lick biff slug

2. a short nail with a flat head
    used to attach sheet metal to wood

    Synonym: clout nail

3. clout的解释

3. special advantage or influence

    e.g. the chairman's nephew has a lot of pull

    Synonym: pull

4. a target used in archery


1. strike hard, especially with the fist

    e.g. He clouted his attacker