
clownish [ˈklaʊnɪʃ]  [ˈklaʊnɪʃ] 

clownish 基本解释

形容词滑稽的; 愚蠢的; 小丑似的; 傻的

clownish 网络解释


1. 滑稽的:clownery 滑稽 | clownish 滑稽的 | clownism 滑稽之行为

2. 小丑似的:somberness 严肃,忧郁 | clownish 小丑似的 | congenial 适宜的,相似的

3. 滑稽的; 似小丑的; 粗鲁的 (形):clown 小丑; 粗鲁愚蠢的人 (名) | clownish 滑稽的; 似小丑的; 粗鲁的 (形) | club 俱乐部, 球棒, 木棍 (名)

clownish 双语例句

1. You do not assume, indeed, the solemnity of the pulpit, or the tone of stage-declamation; neither are you at liberty to gabble on at a venture, without emphasis or discretion, or to resort to vulgar dialect or clownish pronunciation.

2. That's very ridiculous and clownish, isn't it?


3. That`s really silly clownish behavior.

4. Yet the country`s first response seemed clownish.


5. A buffoonish walk; a clownish face; a zany sense of humor.

6. Our heroes set off on a harmless jaunt, but end up far below the surface, chased by a clownish madman.


7. A technocratic economic administration combined with a clownish fa ç ade does not suffice, however: something more is needed.

8. He had a clownish sense of humour.

9. Among them, for example, images of clownish old ladies and poor, villainous infanticides are the most common.

clownish 词典解释

1. 滑稽的;傻傻的
    If you describe a person's appearance or behaviour as clownish, you mean that they look or behave rather like a clown, and often that they appear rather foolish.

    e.g. He had a clownish sense of humour.
    e.g. ...their clownish stupidity.

clownish 单语例句

1. Some 50 clownish performers from all around the world bring upon sense of joyance to local citizens during the golden week of the National Day.

clownish 英英释义


1. clownish

1. like a clown

    e.g. a buffoonish walk
           a clownish face
           a zany sense of humor

    Synonym: buffoonish clownlike zany