coal gangue

coal gangue [kəul ɡæŋ]  [kol ɡæŋ] 

coal gangue 基本解释


coal gangue 网络解释

1. 煤矸石:[中文摘要] 主题:煤矸石(coal gangue)是煤层在形成过程中与煤伴生或共生的一种坚硬岩石,随着煤矿的开采成为煤炭生产中的副产品. 大量的煤矸石不仅占用了大量的土地和农川,而且严重污染了环境. 因此,如何治理和综合利用煤矸石,

2. 煤歼石:粉煤灰:Coal ash | 煤歼石:coal gangue | 褐煤粉:brown coal

3. 煤矿石:coagulator 促凝剂 | coal gangue 煤矿石 | coal tar epoxy 煤焦油环氧树脂

4. 的全文例句:coal gangue的例句: | coal gangue的全文例句: | coal gangue的相关翻译词汇:

coal gangue 单语例句

1. Abundant coal gangue acquired from the coal mining process is used to make new building materials.

2. The city now produces 36 million tons of coal gangue a year, almost all of which could be used to generate electricity.

3. About 20 percent of each ton of raw coal excavated is waste, or gangue.