coalition government

coalition government [ˌkəuəˈliʃən ˈɡʌvənmənt]  [ˌkoəˈlɪʃən ˈɡʌvənmənt] 

coalition government 基本解释


coalition government 网络解释

1. 联合政府:(注十)但是,政党联盟而形成联合政府(coalition government)究竟对选举有何影响?则在学术研究上相当罕见. 其中牵涉到两个主要的问题:第一,政党联盟下联合政府的形成,意谓著彼此在政策上的合作,对以议题为投票取向(issue orientation)的选民将产生什麼影响?

2. 联合政府(一个党的票数不够,要联合其他党):opinion polls 民意调查 | coalition government 联合政府(一个党的票数不够,要联合其他党) | parliamentary election 议会选举

3. 联合执政政府:overall majority占绝大多数 | coalition government联合执政政府 | comparatively rare相对少见的

coalition government 单语例句

1. After that the coalition will then choose Cabinet members and address new government policy to the House.

2. Efforts to forge a unity government between the two have so far failed, and the violence has prompted Hamas to call off the latest round of coalition talks.

3. Israel's Kadima - Labor coalition government immediately responded with " Operation Cast Lead " in order to fend off the pressure from Likud before the February election.

4. China extended congratulations yesterday to German conservative leader Angela Merkel on her victory in becoming Germany's first woman chancellor in a grand coalition government.

5. Exit polls indicate that no party won anything close to a majority in Parliament, which means an unwieldy coalition of parties will almost certainly form the next government.

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6. In October the coalition detailed its plans to triple tuition fees for university students, overhaul the welfare system and make big reductions across all government departments.

7. His party finished a distant third in seats but formed a coalition government with the Conservatives after no party gained a parliamentary majority.

8. But the great unknown for Britain is the peculiarity of its confrontational political system, which might not be best suited to a coalition style of government.

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9. Peres will serve as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's number two in a new coalition government.

10. Today, the LDP forms a coalition government with the conservative Buddhist New Komeito.