
coastline [ˈkəʊstlaɪn]  [ˈkoʊstlaɪn]


coastline 基本解释

名词海岸线; 海岸地形(或轮廓)

coastline 网络解释

1. 海岸线:美国北与加拿大接壤,南靠墨西哥湾(Gulf of Mexico),西邻太平洋(the Pacific Ocean),东邻大西洋(Atlantic),海岸线(coastline)长22680公里. 世界第四长河,也是北美洲流程最常,流域面积(drainagearea)最广,水量最大的河流. 位于北美洲中南部,

2. 岸线:美国北与加拿大接壤,南靠墨西哥湾(Gulf of Mexico),西邻太平洋(the Pacific Ocean),东邻大西洋(Atlantic),海岸线(coastline)长22680公里. 世界第四长河,也是北美洲流程最常,流域面积(drainagearea)最广,水量最大的河流. 位于北美洲中南部,

3. 海岸线 岸线:coastline 岸边线 | coastline 海岸线 岸线 | coastlineeffect 沿岸效应

4. 岸边线:coastland 沿海地带 沿海地区 | coastline 岸边线 | coastline 海岸线 岸线

coastline 词典解释

1. 海岸线
    A country's coastline is the outline of its coast.

    e.g. This is some of the most exposed coastline in the world...
    e.g. Thousands of volunteers gave up part of their weekend to clean up the California coastline.

coastline 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Speculation that the incident was an act of terrorism arose shortly after the explosion, which spilled oil along 45 miles of coastline.

2. Shanghai has a central location along China's coastline that has long made it a crucial gateway to the world.

3. This October 2002 satellite image shows a portion of Antarctica's Amundsen Sea coastline.

4. Soldiers helping in rescue efforts faced the added danger of attacks by communist rebels, who have a strong presence in the Sierra Madre mountains along the eastern coastline.

5. Trucks were rolling out to relief camps scattered along the island nation's coastline, but there too flooded roads strewn with debris were hindering deliveries.

6. When hurricanes hammered down on the United States'coastline causing the shutdown of oil rigs many traders expected a jump in the price of oil.

7. coastline是什么意思

7. It is a pity that experienced sailors are still remarkably rare in a country with such a long coastline and such strong maritime traditions.

8. Contingency plans were being set up last night as continued rain pushed water levels upwards and tropical storm Morakot headed towards the country's eastern coastline.

9. coastline是什么意思

9. Yemen has already tightened security on its coastline to stop Islamist militants infiltrating from Somalia and held talks with a US general on strengthening cooperation.

10. There is also the threat that an accident or gunfight could lead to a leak that would devastate thousands of miles of ocean or coastline.

coastline 英英释义
