
cockshut ['kɒkʃʌt]  ['kɒkˌʃʌt] 

cockshut 基本解释
cockshut 网络解释


1. <英方>黄昏,暮色:dynamic programming algorithm 动态规划算法 | cockshut <英方>黄昏,暮色 | retro [空]制动火箭, 减速火箭

2. 黄昏:cockshot 掷棒打靶 | cockshut 黄昏 | cockspur 鸡距

3. 黄昏,暮色:cockshot || 掷棒打靶, 投棒戏 | cockshut || 黄昏,暮色 | cocksparrow || 公麻雀; 矮小而强悍的人

cockshut 双语例句


1. However, along with rhythm of life quickening nowadays, people are non-stop around the busy for work and life, dragging home with physical and mental fatigue in the moment of cockshut. Given these factors, cooking will certainly aggravate their annoyance. Thus, design for them a simple, fast and convenient electric cooker cooking at a fixed time is of vital importance.