
coefficient [ˌkəʊɪˈfɪʃnt]  [ˌkoʊɪˈfɪʃnt] 


coefficient 基本解释

名词系数; (测定某种质量或变化过程的)率; 程度; 协同因素

形容词共同作用的; 合作的

coefficient 网络解释


1. 相关系数:资本收益在统计上是显著的(表4),这可能表示投资是为了追逐利润;相关系数(coefficient)接近于1,表示所有的利润都重新投入投资. 资金的可获得性(如公司的留存利润)可能是决定投资的更重要因素,这表明公司的投资决定并不仅仅取决于当期的盈利能力.

2. 系数因数:coefficient系数 | coefficient系数因数 | coefficient系数因数折算率

3. 系数因数折算率:coefficient系数因数 | coefficient系数因数折算率 | coelostat定天镜

coefficient 词典解释

1. 系数
    A coefficient is a number that expresses a measurement of a particular quality of a substance or object under specified conditions.

    e.g. ...production coefficients...
    e.g. A coefficient of one means the markets move perfectly in step.

coefficient 单语例句

1. " The public have a right to know the Gini coefficient, " Yi said.

2. It has the lowest coefficient of thermal conductivity of all large volume insulation material, resulting in not only big savings in energy but also in insulation thickness.

3. coefficient

3. The wages of the low end labor supply side do not show much increase during the good years and the Gini coefficient widens.

4. Until China accomplishes its overdue taxation reform and national wealth distribution reform, the Gini coefficient cannot reflect the true wealth gap in China.

5. That is probably why the HKSAR government was uneasy with Gini Coefficient before taxes and transfers and chose to report the lower figure.

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6. A zero Gini coefficient represents perfect equality and one indicates a complete monopoly of wealth by the privileged.

7. A zero Gini coefficient represents perfect equality and 1 indicates a complete monopoly of wealth by the privileged.


8. The proportion of household expenditure on food and other necessities has fallen sharply, according to the Engel coefficient index compiled by the National Bureau of Statistics.

9. Wang said the NBS will make further amendments and publish the Gini coefficient and calculation measurements in accordance with the new system.

10. coefficient的反义词

10. The Gini Coefficient uses zero to indicate equal income distribution while 1 represents the largest income disparity.

coefficient 英英释义


1. a constant number that serves as a measure of some property or characteristic