
coffers ['kɒfəz]  ['kɒfəz]


coffers 基本解释
金库;资金;保险柜( coffer的名词复数 );保险箱;
coffers 网络解释

1. 金库:cofferdam /围堰/潜水箱/ | coffers /金库/ | coffeurin /咖啡尿质/

2. 财库:codfish 鳕鱼 | coffers 财库 | coil 线圈

3. 花格鑲板( 屋頂或牆上的凹陷):Croin Vault 交叉拱頂 (兩筒型拱頂垂直交叉成的拱頂) | Coffers 花格鑲板( 屋頂或牆上的凹陷) | Compluvium 房頂的開洞

4. 金库,财库:emerging 新兴的 | coffers 金库,财库 | mooted 建议

coffers 单语例句

1. The huge capital expenditure requirements - coupled with the negative impact of the global financial crisis - has strained the group's coffers.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. While he doles out cash from coffers brimming from windfall oil earnings, the spending surge has sent prices rising 17 percent a year.

3. The sale of the remaining units at MWC and The Seasons should add HK $ 7 billion to its cash coffers.

4. Commercial banks are required to put in the central bank's coffers a set proportion of the deposits they drew from institutions and private individuals.

5. Hu is trying to divert the currency reserves to private hands from government coffers to help the central bank slow gains in the yuan's value.

6. The tax authorities should be urged to come to grips with the urgency of boosting not the national coffers but domestic consumption.

7. Germany is emerging from years of sluggish growth that has driven up unemployment, drained the government's coffers and put a drag on economies across the continent.

8. But it was a profitable enterprise for local farmers and a good tax contributor to local government coffers in today's Xingping City.

9. Official battening on bribes to enrich private coffers is but a walking corpse soon to decay by its own corruption.

10. It is a humiliating paradox that while the central government pledges commitment to tobacco control, some local governments count on the health damaging leaves to fill their coffers.