cognate word

cognate word

cognate word 双语例句

cognate word

1. As a representative work in etymology, Wen Shi of Mr. Taiyan Zhang, studies etymology following sound, outlines the feature of word family in Chinese, and has many findings in the cognate phenomenon of words and expressions.

cognate word

2. The word " dram " translates into English as " money ", and is cognate with the Greek drachma.

3. The German word ` Haus'is cognate with the English word ` house'.

4. A word is cognate with another if both derive from the same word in an ancestral language.

5. The Cognate Words and Word-Formation of Chinese

6. Any word which has deep semantic correspondence in principle belongs to cognate words.

7. Wang regarded character as word, so confused cognate words with variant characters and borrowed characters. relation.

8. The word " dram " translates into English as " money ", and is cognate with the Greek drachma.