
cohesiveness [kəʊ'hi:sɪvnəs]  [koʊ'hi:sɪvnəs] 

cohesiveness 基本解释



cohesiveness 网络解释


1. 凝聚力:由于在不同区域信仰不同的外国宗教,蒙古人的凝聚力(cohesiveness)被肢解融化了. 蒙古人可以通过有组织的谋划、灵活的军事战法和绝妙的坚盔利甲的有效结合来征服广袤的欧亚大陆,但是却不能在他们的生活方式与帝国的利益需要之间制造隔绝的文化(alien culture)和社会等级差别(disparity).

2. 粘结性:结果还显示,增稠乳清蛋白牛肉饼的粘结性(cohesiveness)被认为与100%纯牛肉饼没有显著区别. 挤压增稠乳清蛋白具有类似肉质感产品的功能特性,适合作为肉制品的一种填充剂和取代剂. 这种新开发的乳清配料能使得脂肪减少,

3. 内聚性:将对象看作是服务提供者还有一个附加的好处:它有助于提高对象的内聚性(cohesiveness) .高内聚是软件设计的基本质量要求 之一:这意味着一个软件构件(例如一个对象,

cohesiveness 单语例句

1. cohesiveness是什么意思

1. A harmonious society is built on a strong sense of cohesiveness and care.

2. Maintaining cohesiveness with ASEAN and preventing it from collapsing have been the biggest challenges for the bloc in recent years.

3. Joint efforts from SCO members to tackle the crisis and their determination to meet challenges and overcome difficulties will enhance the organization's cohesiveness.

4. cohesiveness在线翻译

4. He said at time of difficulty, the Chinese nation has shown strong cohesiveness and profound love among its people.

5. cohesiveness的意思

5. The majority of people want to forge cohesiveness and to surge ahead with electoral reform.

6. According to Xu, the major cause of this rise is the decreasing cohesiveness between married couples.

7. cohesiveness的意思

7. The band had " massively disrupted society's cohesiveness " with its song lyrics inciting racial hatred, the court ruled.

8. Bush's care and the main reason why NATO has lost a lot of its cohesiveness and the US its ability to lead.


9. It also gives scope to the creative side of the industry and so strengthens cohesiveness.

10. This will greatly increase the influence and cohesiveness of the Party in the society at large.

cohesiveness 英英释义



1. the property of being cohesive and sticky

    Synonym: glueyness gluiness gumminess tackiness ropiness viscidity viscidness

2. the state of cohering or sticking together

    Synonym: coherence coherency cohesion