
colewort ['kəʊlˌwɜ:t]  ['koʊlˌwɜ:t] 

colewort 基本解释


colewort 网络解释

1. 芸苔属:coleus 薄荷科植物 | colewort 芸苔属 | Colgate 高露洁

2. 油麻菜花:垦丁船帆石Sail Rock, Kending, Pingdong | 油麻菜花 Colewort | 北投温泉博物馆 Beitou Hot Spring Museum, Taipei

3. 小菜类:coleus 薄荷科植物 | colewort 小菜类 | colgate 高露洁

4. 芸苔;油菜;海甘蓝:coleseed油菜籽 | colewort芸苔;油菜;海甘蓝 | coleorhiza根鞘

colewort 双语例句


1. Cabbage belongs to colewort of cruciferae, a variety of Brassica oleracea L. The heterosis of cabbage is very apparent.
    结球甘蓝(Brassica oleracea.var.capitata L)属十字花科芸薹属甘蓝的一个变种。

2. This paper researched cabbage of Cruciferae colewort by planting cabbage in soils which were polluted by cadmium of different concentration. We analyzed poison of cabbage which was polluted by cadmiums in different concentration by using OCT machine system to measure cabbage lamina and observing physical change of fabric of cabbage, and confirmed the characteristic of Cadmium circulation of supergenic geochemistry accordingly.
    本文主要以十字花科芸苔属植物甘蓝为研究对象,通过在不同浓度的受镉离子污染的土壤中进行种植,观察甘蓝组织结构物理表征变化,并应用光学相干层析成像系统(Optical Coherence Tomography,OCT)对甘蓝叶片组织样本检测其变化情况,从而分析得出不同镉离子浓度对甘蓝的累积毒害作用以及镉的表生地球化学循环特点。


3. Uptake and accumulation of lead by five plants from colewort of Cruciferae

colewort 英英释义


1. a hardy cabbage with coarse curly leaves that do not form a head

    Synonym: kale kail cole borecole Brassica oleracea acephala