
collaborator [kəˈlæbəreɪtə(r)]  [kəˈlæbəˌretɚ] 


collaborator 基本解释


名词通敌者; 协作者,合作者

collaborator 网络解释


1. 合作者:中国学生在跨文化团队中缺乏扮演贡献者(Contributor)、合作者(Collaborator)挑战者(Challenger)角色之一,同时又是交流者(Communicator)的能力. 其原因:他们不能对来源于不同文化背景的人,表达思想、传递信息、交流情感、形成互动,

2. 协作者:convention-over-configuration 惯例优先 | collaborator 协作者 | autowiring 自动连接

3. 勾结者:burglar夜盗,窃贼 | collaborator勾结者 | conspirator阴谋家

4. 串谋者:Drink 喝 | Collaborator 串谋者 | Prisoner 囚犯

collaborator 词典解释

1. (研究方面的)合作者,协作者;(书的)合著者
    A collaborator is someone that you work with to produce a piece of work, especially a book or some research.

    e.g. The Irvine group and their collaborators are testing whether lasers do the job better.

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2. 通敌者;(与占领军)勾结的人
    A collaborator is someone who helps an enemy who is occupying their country during a war.

    e.g. Two alleged collaborators were shot dead by masked activists.

collaborator 单语例句

1. Howa is looked upon as a collaborator more than just a supplier.

2. collaborator的近义词

2. Mrs Obama was an initially unenthusiastic collaborator in her husband's political career, and clearly took a dim view of politics and politicians.

3. collaborator的近义词

3. Decapitated bodies of women have begun turning up in recent weeks, a note with the word " collaborator " usually pinned to their chests.

4. His name lends the film credibility and fans will likely be pleased to see the Quentin Tarantino collaborator.

5. Clapton retained Climie as his collaborator for Pilgrim, his first album of new material since 1989's Journeyman.

6. Frequent collaborator Cameron told those gathered he spoke with Winston the day before he died.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. That meeting included an unnamed collaborator who is now cooperating with the investigation.

8. Britain has named China as a top collaborator for national innovation development.

9. collaborator

9. This is the first album for which Lang Lang collaborates with Eschenbach, his mentor and collaborator.

10. collaborator的解释

10. Bin Laden called Abbas'government " a traitor and collaborator government " with the United States.

collaborator 英英释义


1. an associate in an activity or endeavor or sphere of common interest

    e.g. the musician and the librettist were collaborators
           sexual partners

    Synonym: cooperator partner pardner

2. someone who collaborates with an enemy occupying force

    Synonym: collaborationist quisling

3. someone who assists in a plot

    Synonym: confederate henchman partner in crime