1. 自动分页:选择非普通(Normal)下面的页面顺序跟框线才可选择,页面顺序可选顺时针递加或逆时针递加,框线可选择实心、虚线或都不加列印方向(Orientation):直印(Portrait)、横印(Landscape)列印份数(Copies),2份以上时自动分页(Collate)可勾选,分别在有勾选,
2. 核对:离开可分裂(cleave),圆木可阻碍(clog),可变多阻塞(clot)e来就得意(elate),离开就切除(ablate),出口在通风(ventilate),向前变椭圆(prolate),两边在扩散(dilate),共同来核对(collate)共同套他为曲解(contort),
3. 逐份打印:Collapse to Definitions 折叠到定义 | Collate 逐份打印 | collection 集合
1. 校对;核对;校勘;整理
When you collate pieces of information, you gather them all together and examine them.
e.g. Roberts has spent much of his working life collating the data on which the study was based...
e.g. They have begun to collate their own statistics on racial abuse.
1. Talk to people in the industry and collate positive testimonials about the organization.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. Collate and disseminate information especially on emerging issues affecting trade and finance and highlight new opportunities for regional cooperation.
3. collate
3. Teams of scientists collate and analyze data while others provide input on subjects ranging from ethics to policy to how to deal with the media.
4. He planned to collate views and come back to the panel with a consensus proposal in early 2011 before the law drafting exercise begins.
1. compare critically
of texts
2. collate的反义词
2. to assemble in proper sequence
e.g. collate the papers