collective ownership

collective ownership [kəˈlektiv ˈəunəʃip]  [kəˈlɛktɪv ˈonɚˌʃɪp] 

collective ownership 基本解释


collective ownership 网络解释

collective ownership的反义词

1. 集体所有:由于最初阶段的分组是面向功能,因此此时我们并未意识到集体所有 (collective ownership) ,也没有意识到代码的保护. 从第一迭代期开始,进行在线集成,参见[2]这是一个概念工作时间:因为我们希望客户在场. 于是我们会花另外的时间来满足最后期限.

2. 集体所有权:这一点并不是轻而易举能够实现的.要使重构能够真正达到这样的目标,你需要能够控制代码的所有权,不然,你就很难修改其他人的代码对你代码作出的引用,因此需要代码的集体所有权(collective ownership).为了使重构能够更快捷,

3. 集体所有;集体所有制:collective bargaining 集体议价;集体谈判 | collective ownership 集体所有;集体所有制 | colling-off period 冷却期;冷静期;等待期

collective ownership 单语例句

1. But the new proposal in no way intends to change the collective ownership of land because it only talks about land use and management rights.

2. collective ownership的反义词

2. The system allows farming households to manage agricultural production on their own initiatives while the farmland remains in the ownership of the rural collective.

3. collective ownership的翻译

3. The collective ownership economy is an important component of the public economy.

4. China is set to promote a household contract system in the management of collective forestry land and ownership of wood nationwide.

5. collective ownership在线翻译

5. Many rural areas have also joined the reform for household contract system of the collective ownership of forest land.

6. Either public ownership of land and other basic production or collective economic establishing the production responsibility system is unchanged for a long term.

7. collective ownership的反义词

7. Practical regulations should also be introduced to forestall any infringements of farmers'interests in the ownership transfer of rural collective lands.