
collectivism [kəˈlektɪvɪzəm]  [kəˈlɛktəˌvɪzəm] 

collectivism 基本解释


collectivism 相关例句


1. Under collectivism, the means of production are owned and controlled by the state or the people as a whole.

collectivism 网络解释


1. 公有制;集体主义:classism 阶级歧视;阶级优越感 | collectivism 公有制;集体主义 | collegialism 同僚模式

2. 集体主义制度:initiative intiative intiative intiative intiative intiative 首创 | collectivism 集体主义制度 | municipal municipal municipal municipal municipal市的

3. 集体主义 (名):collectively 全体地; 共同地 (副) | collectivism 集体主义 (名) | collectivist 集产主义者 (名)

collectivism 词典解释

1. 集体主义(制度);公有制
    Collectivism is the political belief that a country's industries and services should be owned and controlled by the state or by all the people in a country.

collectivism 单语例句

1. Harrigan is impressed with collectivism in the United Eagles Airlines Co Ltd and the hospitality its air hostesses show to both pilots and customers.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. " I wanted to make my own judgment on collectivism, " says Blix.

3. collectivism的解释

3. The media are always keen on building heroes who sacrifice their own interests for others as an ideal show of collectivism.

4. Despite being influenced tremendously by the individualism prevailing in American culture, the Japanese people have managed to sustain a kind of collectivism.

5. collectivism

5. Also, social transformation from collectivism to individualism has strengthened the notion of privacy among young people.

6. It is quite interesting when you consider actually it is the West that is famous for individualism and the East collectivism.

7. Western society emphasizes the concept of individualism, while Chinese society has from time immemorial attached great importance to collectivism.

8. collectivism

8. In the initial stage of national development, collectivism is much more efficient than individualism.

9. Shared sacrifice should no longer be deemed merely an act of Asian collectivism.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. The selection of comfortable bedding should be based on individualism rather than collectivism.

collectivism 英英释义


1. a political theory that the people should own the means of production

2. collectivism的近义词

2. Soviet communism

    Synonym: Bolshevism sovietism