collide with

collide with [kəˈlaid wið]  [kəˈlaɪd wɪð] 

collide with 基本解释

collide with

与…相撞; 相碰; 磕碰

collide with 网络解释

1. 抵触:cling to粘住;依附;坚持 | collide with抵触 | compensate for补偿,赔偿

2. 冲突:collet 宝石座 | collide with 冲突 | collide 碰撞

3. 碰撞:12. plunge onto the shore 跳上岸;(海浪等)拍上岸 | 13. collide with 碰撞 | 14. the essential information 中心思想

4. 抵触,冲突;碰撞,互撞:cling o粘住; 依附;坚持 | collide with 抵触,冲突;碰撞,互撞 | compensate for 补偿,赔偿

collide with 单语例句

1. Microphones, voice recorders and cameras collide with each other in the media melee.

2. But the increasing traffic volume also poses threats, as many large boats often collide with the banks or bridges.

3. collide with的解释

3. Welcome to the painful reality of creeping market economics as they collide with sport's biggest showcase.

4. collide with在线翻译

4. Some latest developments can not find any legal support or even collide with the current legislation.

5. If they collide with incoming or departing aircraft, they can cause massive structural damages.

6. They can get sucked into the engines or collide with the fuselage and cause severe damage.

7. Some planets might collide with one another, and new ones could form from the resulting debris.

8. The Federal Aviation Administration and Air Force hope it will help them identify birds prone to collide with aircraft.

9. A second mortgage based on the individual or the family does not collide with it.

10. Others suggested sending a spacecraft to collide with the asteroid and alter its momentum, or hitting it with nuclear weapons.

collide with 英英释义



1. hit against
    come into sudden contact with

    e.g. The car hit a tree
           He struck the table with his elbow

    Synonym: hit strike impinge on run into