
collusion [kəˈlu:ʒn]  [kəˈluʒən] 

collusion 基本解释


collusion 相关词组


1. in collusion with : 与...勾结;

collusion 词典解释

1. (尤指国家、组织间的)共谋,勾结,串通
    Collusion is secret or illegal co-operation, especially between countries or organizations.

    e.g. He found no evidence of collusion between record companies and retailers...
    e.g. Some stockbrokers, in collusion with bank officials, obtained large sums of money for speculation.

collusion 单语例句

1. When the NPC Standing Committee talked about collusion between public servants and outlaw mine owners, society saw a political will to deal with one of our chronic headaches.

2. There were widespread reports of security officials'collusion in the escape, and experts say Yemen's security and intelligence services are riddled with militant sympathizers.

3. So when something undefined and uncontrollable happens, they speculate in all the modern forums about collusion and nefarious dealings.

4. Most of those pianos had declared values of between $ 200 and $ 250, leading Customs to suspect that the whole industry was in collusion with smugglers.

5. collusion的翻译

5. Suspicions over collusion that resulted in the rich getting the government subsidized housing have caused public complaints in cities like Beijing in the past.

6. But let us be frank - once the suspected collusion does prove to exist, the damage to its credibility would be beyond repair.

7. The terrible experiments remained secret for a long time after the war, partly because of American collusion in keeping the incidents quiet.

8. collusion的近义词

8. The revelations of police officials in collusion with criminals in Chongqing Municipality that started in June have heightened coverage of the campaign.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. The CCDI has vowed to relentlessly expose collusion between government officials and business people in its battle against corruption.

10. The People's Daily said tacit approval or even collusion from poorly funded local governments was to blame.

collusion 英英释义



1. secret agreement

2. collusion的翻译

2. agreement on a secret plot

    Synonym: connivance