
colorful ['kʌləfəl]  ['kʌləfəl] 

colorful 基本解释


形容词多姿多彩的; 富有色彩的; 鲜艳的; 富有趣味的

colorful 相关例句


1. He gave a colorful account of life in Samoa.

colorful 网络解释

1. 卡莱:对于卡莱(Colorful)这个名字,绝大多数的行家都不会感到陌生了吧;在短短的两年间,卡莱(Colorful)在汽车音响行内的知名度可谓不胫而走,已为广大同行所认知;同时卡莱(Colorful)做为中国汽车影音网CarCAV.com首汽车音响价格推国产品牌,

2. 多采多姿:然后又是给人一年的期待. 但这个期待跟永远的阳光城市巴塞隆纳一样,有著一曲同工的神奇力量,永远的阳光和发伴随著的城市点点小事都是令人暖和和的!所以,我决定要在这张照片的标签(tag)里加上多采多姿(colorful).

colorful 单语例句

1. colorful什么意思

1. Litang is a bustling little town with colorful street life thanks to the nomadic shepherds and Tibetan people coming to sell and buy their products.

2. The large dance performance Wind of Colorful Guizhou first staged in 2005 has become a calling card for the province.

3. The colored rice was dyed in the liquid from soaked colorful plants such as purple sweet cane and maple leaves.

4. Canton Fair has attracted 480 firms from 57 countries and regions, offering business people an opportunity to purchase colorful commodities worldwide in south China's Guangzhou.

5. There will also be a fireworks carnival and student contests open to young people who capture the colorful light shows through drawing or photographs.

6. We once tried making colorful dumplings by mixing spinach, tomato and carrot juice into the dough.

7. He was sworn in during a colorful ceremony at the parliament building in Lusaka.

8. The 2008 Olympic Games came to an end last night with a colorful closing ceremony at the National Stadium.

9. An innovative Peking Opera adaptation of a play set in the last Qing Dynasty takes a fresh look at the colorful figures of those times.

10. The pole looks colorful and makes pleasant sounds when thrown in the air, and this all adds more charm to the performance.

colorful 英英释义



1. having color or a certain color
    sometimes used in combination

    e.g. colored crepe paper
           the film was in color
           amber-colored heads of grain

    Synonym: colored coloured

2. colorful

2. having striking color

    e.g. colorful autumn leaves

    Synonym: colourful

3. colorful的解释

3. striking in variety and interest

    e.g. a colorful period of history
           a colorful character
           colorful language

    Synonym: colourful