1. Colugos and tree shrews have unusual reproductive systems, but in very different directions.
2. Colugos can glide more than 70 metres through the forest at night, to a distant tree, with little loss of height.
3. The affinities of the tree shrews and the colugos, to each other and to the rest of the mammals, are subject to dispute and uncertainty.
4. Some researchers even think the colugos are closer to the primates than the tree shrews are.
5. Very possibly the same will happen with this book, and it isn't just the colugos and tree shrews. The position of tarsiers (Rendezvous 7), and the grouping of lampreys with hagfishes (Rendezvous 22) are unsure. The affinities of the afrotheres (Rendezvous 13) and the coelacanths (Rendezvous 19) are still slightly unsure. The ordering of our rendezvous with cnidarians and ctenophores (Rendezvous 28 and 29) could be the wrong way round.
6. Colugos glidebetween trees using their patagium, or flaps of skin between their front and hind legs and extending to the tail and the neck.