
columns ['kɒləm]  ['kɒləm] 



columns 基本解释
栏;纵队;柱( column的名词复数 );纵列;
columns 网络解释


1. (列):我们可以把DATASET看成一个无联结的RECORDSET(这个大家应当熟悉吧).DATASET中储存有数据,而且这个就像是一个数据库,里面存在表(TABLES),列(COLUMNS),关联(RELATIONSHIPS),限制(CONSTRAINS)以及数据.

2. 欄:试著加入模组(modules)到核心里面(kernel):下一步我们使用cryptsetup的luksFormat参数选项(option)来改变分割区型态,这个指令会让你 /dev/sda1 底下的资料全部消失更改登入欢迎画面(splash screen)的颜色预设的终端机(Terminal)视窗大小约80栏(columns)宽及24栏colu

3. 专栏:最近,与扇子谈起了arseblog的专栏(columns)的一篇帖子<>中关于fan和supporter的区别,这位帖子作者讲述了一个听起来有些凄惨的故事,通过故事,似乎作者有为fan这一词正名的意思:这个热刺朋友真是球迷(fan)的典范,

4. 圆柱:在左边墙边有一些圆柱(columns潜行到圆柱旁使用他们,你身上的钥匙(key)就会被更换成对应的魔杖(Wand然而解除 圆柱上的机关,可以让这个房间里的陷阱失效,总共有六个圆柱.

columns 单语例句

1. columns

1. The concert's name is a reference to a temple platform at Chichen Itza crowned by rows of columns.

2. It's to be found at Zhangjiajie in northwest Hunan Province where thousands of sandstone columns rise up precipitously from a deep canyon floor.

3. Why were the wooden posts cut into a variety of shapes from columns to prisms, and what did people use for the carving?

4. More than 40 base stones of palace columns were orderly arranged with the space between adjacent columns only two meters.

5. columns的意思

5. At the entrance square is a colonnade with 20 columns with marble relief on top.

6. columns的近义词

6. The column evoked responses from some 800 readers, 20 times the volume of mail his columns usually generated.

7. So we come full circle, if you have read earlier wine columns about wine and health.

8. He said the company will keep its online Expo channel and columns and compile some of splendid Expo stories into books.


9. At their advice, the five distillation columns were left to cool down gradually starting Tuesday.

10. Columns of water formed a tight water network to cool the tank on fire and cover it with foam.