








combating 基本解释
与…战斗( combat的现在分词 );与…斗争;防止;减轻;
combating 网络解释


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combating 单语例句

1. combating什么意思

1. Yet her devotion to one social network is not an act of sentimentality - it's part of a careful strategy for combating social media burnout.

2. combating在线翻译

2. " I think China's business sector will play a key role in combating climate change, " Blair said.

3. He called on all sides to build consensus and strengthen cooperation to advance the historical process of combating climate change.

4. Combating the climate change cannot be slowed by the global financial crisis, he added.

5. But on a word of caution Omi called for continued vigilance against the disease in spite of the excellent achievements made in combating it.

6. combating的解释

6. Wen said the most important thing in combating corruption is to establish a good system that can prevent power from being too centralized without restriction.

7. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton yesterday reached out to the world's largest Internet community to push forward her agenda of combating climate change.

8. Jet Li says he'll focus more on combating injustice through charity and promoting tai chi, and less on kungfu flicks.

9. The housing administration authority should balance the needs of combating corruption and protecting citizens'privacy.

10. It said they were willing to promote cooperation in information security as combating global and transnational cyber crime needed concerted international efforts.