
combative [ˈkɒmbətɪv]  [ˈkɑ:mbətɪv] 

combative 基本解释

形容词好斗的; 斗志旺盛的

combative 网络解释

1. 好战的;好斗的:1.billiards 撞球 | 2.combative 好戰的;好鬥的 | 3.default 違約;棄權

2. 好战的:Collective|集体的 | Combative|好战的 | Commercial|商务的

3. 好斗的:combating sports competition 格斗性运动竞赛 | combative 好斗的 | combative instinct 斗争本能

4. 好鬥:clumsy 笨拙 | combative 好鬥 | condemned 譴責

combative 词典解释

1. 好斗的;好争论的
    A person who is combative is aggressive and eager to fight or argue.

    e.g. He conducted the meeting in his usual combative style, refusing to admit any mistakes.

They quickly developed a reputation for combativeness.
combative 单语例句

1. The deal gives Juventus an option to sign the combative midfielder on a permanent basis at an additional cost of six million euros.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. None of the questions Bush received at the Kentucky International Convention Center were combative.

3. Fans say his milder style will be welcome after Koizumi's five years of combative reforms and 12 months of scandals and upsets under Abe.

4. At times sharp and combative but often relaxed or even smiling, the former Iraqi leader declined to confirm his signature on documents.

5. Italian newspapers described her Tuesday as a combative woman with an ironic wit who worked relentlessly for the needy.

6. Advisers have been urging Kerry to be more combative in defending himself as recent polls show Bush gaining ground.

7. Saddam had been defiant and combative during previous sessions of the trial, often trying to dominate the courtroom.

8. In " Old Folks at Home, " they were a combative married couple bedeviled by Lawrence as Burnett's troublesome young sister.

9. Moon was viewed as more combative at a similar event, slamming Park's ruling New Frontier Party as corrupt and incompetent.

10. But some doubt he will be as forceful as combative Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi in pushing economic reforms.

combative 英英释义


1. combative的近义词

1. having or showing a ready disposition to fight

    e.g. bellicose young officers
           a combative impulse
           a contentious nature

    Synonym: battleful bellicose

2. striving to overcome in argument

    e.g. a dialectical and agonistic approach

    Synonym: agonistic agonistical

3. inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits

    e.g. a style described as abrasive and contentious
           a disputatious lawyer
           a litigious and acrimonious spirit

    Synonym: contentious disputatious disputative litigious