come down

come down [kʌm daun]  [kʌm daʊn] 

come down 基本解释

come down的近义词


不及物动词(价格、温度、比率等)下降; 着陆; 崩塌; 决定并宣布(支持或反对)

come down 相关例句



1. He had come down in the world.

2. The ceiling came down suddenly.

3. The story has come down from time immemorial.

come down 情景对话

come down什么意思

Lift Furniture

A:Could you help me lift some furniture, Marie?

B:Sure, what would you like me to do?

A:Well, first, you could go upstairs and grab the yellow key.

B:The one on the table?

A:Yes. Then, you could come back down and unlock the spare bedroom here.

B:Then what would you like me to move?

A:Do you think you would be able to move this chair into the room by yourself?

B:Sure, not a problem.

A:You might want to stretch your legs a bit. You don’t want to hurt yourself. And make sure you bend your knees so you don’t hurt your back.

B:Good idea. Anything else you’d like me to move?

A:Just a few things—the television, the blue lamp, and the coffee table.

B:Is that all?

A:That’s it. I’ll be upstairs. Shout if you need anything.

come down 网络解释

1. 下来:我就是一只大老虎,你们就是小动物的妈妈,你们的手指就是小动物. Tiger来了你们就叫宝宝向上(go up)爬,走了就叫宝宝下来(come down)

2. 落,下来:come across (偶然)遇见(或发现) | come down 落,下来 | come from出生(于),来自

3. 下来;下降:bring down 使下降;使泄气 | come down 下来;下降 | cut down 减少开支;砍倒

4. 冷静:41. Relax. 休息. | 42. Come down. 冷静. | 43. Easy! 放松!

come down 词典解释

1. (成本、水平或数量)下降,降低
    If the cost, level, or amount of something comes down, it becomes less than it was before.

    e.g. Interest rates should come down...
    e.g. If you buy three bottles, the bottle price comes down to £2.42...

2. 落下;降落
    If something comes down, it falls to the ground.

    e.g. The cold rain came down...
    e.g. The curtain came down after the first act...

come down 单语例句

1. We don't come back from the carol concert and settle down to anything involving Dudley Moore in an elf costume.

2. People with the disease suffer from acute pains in the chest, a bad cough and often come down with colds.

3. come down在线翻译

3. The wireless charger costs about $ 100, but the company said the price will come down once the technology becomes widespread.

4. She first held him as a baby and spent late nights calling him when he learned to climb trees but wouldn't come down.

5. NEW YORK - Making great wine could all come down to its roots.

6. After the ensuing financial thunderstorm died down, the sun would come out again very quickly.

7. It could come along as quickly as the building of roads as long as there is the will from the central government down.

8. The swelling has come down but he's not moving around and feeling as comfortable as he should.

9. The Russian called for her coach to come down to courtside to talk to her during the break between sets.

10. I can come down to your section of the world, anytime!

come down 英英释义

come down


1. get sick

    e.g. She fell sick last Friday, and now she is in the hospital

    Synonym: sicken

2. be the essential element

    e.g. The proposal boils down to a compromise

    Synonym: reduce boil down

3. criticize or reprimand harshly

    e.g. The critics came down hard on the new play

4. move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way

    e.g. The temperature is going down
           The barometer is falling
           The curtain fell on the diva
           Her hand went up and then fell again

    Synonym: descend fall go down

5. come down的解释

5. fall from clouds

    e.g. rain, snow and sleet were falling
           Vesuvius precipitated its fiery, destructive rage on Herculaneum

    Synonym: precipitate fall