come to blows

come to blows

come to blows 基本解释

动词大打出手; 厮打; 打架; 互殴,给予打击

come to blows 网络解释


1. 互殴:come to bay 陷入困境 | come to blows 互殴 | come to front 引人注目

2. 开始互殴:387. Play one's cards right 巧妙相机行事;把握良机 | 389. Come to blows 开始互殴 | 390. Hold one's tongue 闭嘴;保持沉默

3. 动手打起来,开始互殴:blow up 爆炸,(被)炸飞;充气,给打气;大发脾气,大怒 | come to blows 动手打起来,开始互殴 | on board 在(船、车或飞机)上

4. 给予打击:fall to blows 互相打起来 | come to blows 给予打击 | fall to blows 给予打击

come to blows 单语例句

1. come to blows在线翻译

1. The two players were reported to have come close to blows following Switzerland's exit from last year's World Cup finals.