comic strip

comic strip [ˈkɔmik strip]  [ˈkɑmɪk strɪp] 

第三人称复数:comic strips

comic strip 基本解释
comic strip 网络解释

comic strip的反义词

1. 连环漫画:comic relief 喜剧性穿插 | comic strip 连环漫画 | comic 滑稽演员

2. 连环画:Column 专栏;栏目 | Comic Strip 连环画 | Continued Story 连载故事

3. 连环图画:20. gaudy: 华而不实的 | 21. comic strip: 连环图画 | 22. intricacy: n 错综复杂

comic strip 单语例句

1. And a sure sign that Big Data has arrived came in July, when it became grist for satire in the " Dilbert " comic strip by Scott Adams.

2. Adapted from Zhang Leping's popular comic strip, this hilarious movie has won both domestic acclaim and international awards.

3. The Phantom began as a daily newspaper comic strip by Lee Falk in 1936.

4. Meng rushed back to his friends and asked them if they remembered what the comic strip was about.

comic strip 英英释义

comic strip在线翻译


1. a sequence of drawings telling a story in a newspaper or comic book

    Synonym: cartoon strip strip funnies