
communique [kəˈmju:nɪkeɪ]  [kəˌmju:nəˈkeɪ] 

communique 基本解释


communique 网络解释

1. 声明:commercial spinoffs 商業的使用 | communique 声明 | company creed 社是

2. 官报:communionfriendship 交谊 | communique 官报 | communism 共产主义

3. 公报, 官报:communiostion satellite || 通信卫星 | communique || 公报, 官报 | Communism || 共产主义

communique 单语例句

1. The NBS calendar said it would release Statistical Communique 2008 on February 28, but it also mentioned this was a preliminary schedule and might be adjusted.

2. During the Nixon visit, the two countries issued the Shanghai Communique.

3. The Chinese president finished his visit to Namibia with a joint communique reaffirming commitment to continuing mutual support on issues concerning sovereignty and territorial integrity.

4. The communique issued yesterday added that the disciplinary organs would strengthen their management of those Party and government officials whose spouses and children have emigrated.

5. He then went on to read the communique which spoke of the principles behind Nato and outlined the objectives the organisation is working towards.

6. He said the prime ministers will issue a joint communique and the SCO members will also sign other documents including an agreement on customs cooperation.

7. The final communique said a transitional governing body that can establish a neutral environment in which the transition can take place should be formed.

8. The two sides also issued a joint press communique on boosting bilateral exchanges and cooperation, covering 70 cooperation projects between the two countries.

9. communique在线翻译

9. They are also expected to issue a joint communique on the achievements of the summit, and sign some other cooperation documents on security and economy.

10. communique什么意思

10. The Iraqis countered with a military communique of their own - nothing like Bush's assessment - reporting an unbroken string of successes.

communique 英英释义



1. communique

1. an official report (usually sent in haste)

    Synonym: dispatch despatch