


companions 基本解释
同伴( companion的名词复数 );伴星(=~star);指南;同甘共苦的伙伴;
companions 网络解释


1. 同伴:21.电话Telephones | 22.同伴Companions | 23.购物Shopping

2. 伴生种:聚生体 consortium | 伴生种 companions | 致坏死寄生物 necroparsite

3. 同伴, 共事者:relationship:关系, 关联 | companions:同伴, 共事者 | company:公司

4. (患難與共):05 Dreamlines(夢痕).mp3 | 06 Companions(患難與共).mp3 | 07 Time Travelers(時光之旅).mp3

companions 单语例句

1. companions的意思

1. The Japanese are known for their love of dogs, with businesses flourishing in cities that offer everything from massage to spas for canine companions.

2. companions

2. Newspaper reports said the queen hangs out Christmas stockings packed with doggie treats for her canine companions.

3. companions的意思

3. Before these canine companions are allowed to participate in TDS'therapy work, they are required to undergo a temperament assessment to ensure they're suitable.


4. Police said the men paid for a wash before stripping nude and cleaning themselves in the soapy water while their female companions took photos.

5. A police official initially said the cleric's companions included his three sons, but clarified the relationships later.

6. Zhang and his companions tried to put out small fires around seriously injured passengers and quickly helped those with minor injuries get out of danger.

7. companions的意思

7. Keep conversations with traveling companions quiet and discreet - you don't want everyone on the bus to be involuntarily eavesdropping.

8. companions的解释

8. In the Korean War thousands of Chinese soldiers were even namelessly buried abroad, which casts endless grievance on their families and survived companions.

9. Flutist Ron Korb and his companions from Canada will tour Beijing to convey their magic of the flute.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. But a few incidents of companions running away with expensive loot have taken the gloss off the innovative service.