
complicated [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd]  [ˈkɑ:mplɪkeɪtɪd] 






complicated 基本解释


形容词结构复杂的; 混乱的,麻烦的

动词使复杂化( complicate的过去式)

complicated 相关例句



1. That puzzle is too complicated for the children.

complicated 网络解释


1. 复杂:环球影片公司(Universal)由梅丽尔斯特里普(Meryl Streep)主演的影片<<爱很复杂>>(Complicated)以1,100万美元的收入在周末票房榜上位列第五,由环球影片公司和Spyglass Entertainment合拍的浪漫喜剧片<<闰年>>(Leap Year)以920万美元的票房收入位列票房榜的第六位.

2. 超复杂:第一波主打歌曲<>充满了重节奏的吉他伴奏,成为目前电台热播的畅销单曲,同时也是一首充满女性主义意识的歌曲,延伸了上张专辑<<展翅高飞>>之中的单曲<<超复杂>>(Complicated)的意境.

complicated 词典解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 复杂的;难懂的;难处理的
    If you say that something is complicated, you mean it has so many parts or aspects that it is difficult to understand or deal with.

    e.g. The situation in Lebanon is very complicated.
    e.g. ...a very complicated voting system.

complicated 单语例句

1. To act such a complicated part is like grasping a handful of sand.

2. complicated的翻译

2. The bustling trade and complicated political situations in Asian regions have prompted China to strengthen economic ties with these countries by developing the country's southwest.

3. The investments are often complicated by intellectual property rights with technology transfers from abroad and unevenly enforced government policies.

4. Communications with the region were complicated by telephone outages and electricity blackouts.

5. complicated的反义词

5. The tender and elegant traditional ink scheme is replaced by a complicated and interlocked oil structure.

6. But there is no denying that it is becoming more complicated by the day.

7. The nuclear crisis has complicated the Japanese government's ability to address the humanitarian situation facing hundreds of thousands left homeless by the twin disasters.

8. complicated的反义词

8. He added the CAAC was confronted with an unprecedented challenge in handling the heaviest and most complicated air traffic in Chinese history.

9. complicated的解释

9. Huang explained that Shenzhou VII was a complicated program that needed careful tests and trials, but promised that China was fully capable of tackling all technological problems.

10. RMB convertibility under capital accounts is a complicated issue, said SAFE Director Hu Xiaolian in March.

complicated 英英释义



1. difficult to analyze or understand

    e.g. a complicated problem
           complicated Middle East politics