
comply [kəmˈplaɪ]  [kəmˈplaɪ] 






comply 基本解释

不及物动词遵从; 依从,顺从; 应允,同意

comply 相关词组


1. comply with : 服从, 遵守;

comply 相关例句


1. We comply with all fire safety rules.

2. All the citizens must comply with the law.

comply 网络解释

1. 遵守:国家为什么遵守(comply)国际制度,这是国际制度理论分析的一个重要问题. 国际关系学者从不同的角度提出了自己的解释. 所谓遵守是指行动者(国家)按照国际规范和规则中所规定的条款来行动. 为什么作为行为体的国家会遵守国际制度或国际规范呢?

2. 答应:不久,庙里来了个大和尚,小和尚叫他去挑水,大和尚心想,我比你大你还敢指使我,就不愿意去挑水,他要小和尚和他一起去抬水. 小和尚心里虽然不情愿但还是勉强答应(comply)了. 两个人只能抬一只水桶,这样总算两个人还有水喝.

3. 答应,遵守,履行:complication 复杂化,混乱,并发症 | comply 答应,遵守,履行 | compressed air 压缩空气

4. 遵从按照别人的命令、要求、规矩或希望去做:Schedule 制定计划 | Comply 遵从按照别人的命令、要求、规矩或希望去做 | Specify 详细说明

comply 词典解释

1. 服从;遵守
    If someone or something complies with an order or set of rules, they are in accordance with what is required or expected.

    e.g. The commander said that the army would comply with the ceasefire...
    e.g. Some beaches had failed to comply with European directives on bathing water...

comply 单语例句

1. Enterprises failing to comply may have their registration and even business licence revoked.

2. Sony promised to comply and diligently sent employees to receive the letters by hand.

3. The bureau warmed that if publishers fail to comply, it will call in tenders " to introduce more competition into the monopolized textbook market ".

4. Chinese lenders have so far made considerable progress in their efforts to comply with the regulator's capital adequacy requirements.

5. Airlines that do not comply will be fined 100 euros for each tonne of carbon dioxide emitted for which they have not surrendered allowances.

6. Chai said that CATA had asked all its member airlines not to comply.

7. But the Catholic guerrilla group failed to make clear whether it planned to comply with demands that it scrap all its weapons for good.

8. He fended off criticism about cooperating with Chinese authorities, saying the company had to comply with the nation's censorship laws.

9. comply的近义词

9. The 2001 policy was created to satisfy requests for certified copies and to comply with state laws restricting disclosure of some birth details.

10. The Chinese embassy in Australia reminds citizens to comply with Australian laws and not to bring child pornography into the country.

comply 英英释义


1. act in accordance with someone's rules, commands, or wishes

    e.g. He complied with my instructions
           You must comply or else!
           Follow these simple rules
           abide by the rules

    Synonym: follow abide by