
compounding ['kɒmpaʊndɪŋ]  ['kɒmpaʊndɪŋ] 










compounding 基本解释


动词调和( compound的现在分词 ); 使混合; 使严重; 调停

compounding 网络解释

1. 复合法:(1)复合法(Compounding) 复合法是所有英语新词构词方式中使用频率最高的一种, 其中又尤以复合名词居多,例如,vision thing(政客谈的长期目标),gesture politic(口惠而实不至的宣传伎俩),knowledge economy (知识经济),

compounding 单语例句

1. compounding

1. While the English word Christmas originated as a compounding of " Christ's mass ", the Chinese name is explicitly the sacred birth.

2. compounding什么意思

2. The facilities comprise three polyurethanes systems houses, a new polycarbonate sheet facility and a polycarbonate color compounding and design center.

3. They said all those vials were manufactured by the New England Compounding Center in Massachusetts.

4. The Philippines is usually hit by about 20 typhoons each year, with residents and environmental groups often blaming illegal logging or mining for compounding the damage.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. The latest jolts are said to be compounding the difficulties of emergency relief teams, as efforts continue to find survivors and recover bodies continue through the night.

6. To a person who doesn't forgive, the situation becomes an emotional wound that festers with compounding or secondary emotional infection.

7. compounding的反义词

7. New foreclosures began to infect areas that had long been immune, compounding misery for residents and headaches for city planners.


8. A credit downgrade would drive up borrowing costs for the government, further compounding the economic malaise in a country already mired in recession.

9. The difference in the return on this 16 trillion RMB in savings would be truly significant due to the power of compounding.

10. compounding

10. Compounding the pressure on China's internal supply chains is the pace at which the nation is gravitating toward online shopping.

compounding 英英释义


1. the act of combining things to form a new whole

    Synonym: combination combining