
concession [kənˈseʃn]  [kənˈsɛʃən] 


concession 基本解释

名词让步,迁就; (尤指由政府或雇主给予的)特许权; 租借地; 承认或允许

concession 相关词组


1. make a concession to : 对...让步;

concession 相关例句


1. The matter was settled because they made mutual concessions.

2. At last, their company obtained the mining concession.

3. The boss's promise to increase the workers' pay was a concession to union demands.

4. That is a great concession.

concession 网络解释


1. 特许权:特许权(Concession)是一种大幅度降低可再生能源开发成本的政策商业特许权(Franchise)一般是指公司把自己拥有的技术、品牌和业务活动授予其他公司,允许其在特许协议范围内使用该公司的技术、品牌和专门的业务活动等.

concession 词典解释

1. (尤指为平息争端或冲突而作出的)让步,妥协
    If you make a concession to someone, you agree to let them do or have something, especially in order to end an argument or conflict.

    e.g. The King made major concessions to end the confrontation with his people.

2. 特许权;优惠
    A concession is a special right or privilege that is given to someone.

    e.g. The government has granted concessions to three private telephone companies.
    e.g. concessions for mothers who stay at home with their children.

3. (通常指针对老人、学生和失业人员的)优惠价格
    A concession is a special price which is lower than the usual price and which is often given to old people, students, and the unemployed.

    e.g. Open daily; admission £1.10 with concessions for children and OAPs.

in AM, use 美国英语用 reduction

4. (尤指在别家公司大楼内的)销售权(或经营权)协议
    A concession is an arrangement where someone is given the right to sell a product or to run a business, especially in a building belonging to another business.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 franchise
concession 单语例句

1. It by no means indicates any concession on the question of national sovereignty, the article said.

2. Stop by The Villa in the heart of the French Concession for the latest from some top US designers and some unique accessories.

3. concession在线翻译

3. But it by no means signalled a concession to opponents who would rather stop legislation before differences were settled.

4. She said she was kept " bottled up " from reporters during the campaign and was prevented from delivering a concession speech in Phoenix on Election Night.

5. Clinton spent much of Friday working on her concession speech with campaign manager Maggie Williams, media adviser Mandy Grunwald and strategist Mark Penn.

6. Carlyle has already made a concession in its bid for Xugong, cutting its initial proposed stake from 85 to 50 percent.

7. All of this should not be seen as a concession, but as part of the obligations undertaken by eurozone governments to address excessive imbalances.

8. It is not by coincidence the trip started from Shanghai, part of which became a British concession early in last century.

9. It became a British and French concession after they won in the Opium Wars, and is covered with decaying colonial buildings which housed trading offices and residences.

10. " So no concession would be given to them, " Ahmadinejad said.

concession 英英释义



1. a contract granting the right to operate a subsidiary business

    e.g. he got the beer concession at the ball park

    Synonym: grant

2. concession的意思

2. the act of conceding or yielding

    Synonym: conceding yielding

3. a point conceded or yielded

    e.g. they won all the concessions they asked for