conducting wire

conducting wire

conducting wire 基本解释
conducting wire 网络解释

1. 导线:器材 equipment | 导线 conducting wire | 脱落 fall off

2. 导线, 传导线:conducting substrate || 导电衬底 | conducting wire || 导线, 传导线 | conductingpower || 传导本领

3. 导线;导线:导电系数 conductance, specific | 导线;导线 conducting wire | 传导 conduction

4. 导线,导泉:导电轮 conducting wheel | 导线,导泉 conducting wire | 传导角 conduction angle

conducting wire 单语例句

1. A new type of conducting wire called ACCC has entered the Chinese market.

2. The product is so far the only one which can replace traditional conducting wire.

conducting wire 英英释义



1. a metal conductor that carries electricity over a distance

    Synonym: wire