





conducts 基本解释
行为;举止( conduct的名词复数 );管理;实施;传导;引导( conduct的第三人称单数 );带领;控制;
conducts 网络解释


1. 引导:Compares比较 | Conducts引导 | Confers协商

conducts 单语例句

1. Major Chinese cities have recently launched campaigns to chastise jaywalking and other conducts breaching traffic rules.

2. At night Liu Jianguo conducts security patrols at a local hospital, but when it turns to daylight he acts like a real clown.

3. It conducts both evaluation and examination in selecting leading officers at the level of deputy regimental commanders for combat troops.

4. conducts是什么意思

4. The mobile hospital also provides an outpatient department, and conducts community health programs.

5. conducts的反义词

5. The Red Cross statement was a rare public criticism from the aid group, which normally conducts confidential negotiations with warring parties.

6. The regulations also asked tourists to behave themselves, and to show decency in their conducts.

7. Pakistan will derive early tariff concessions from China and Malaysia as it conducts free trade negotiations with them and other Asian economies.

8. Iran conducts war games or tests weapons to show its determination to counter attack by foes such as Israel or the United States.

9. It conducts secondary offerings or manages negotiations to handle distribution of blocks of previously issued securities and maintains markets for securities already distributed.

10. For enterprises with legal operation and good conducts, the sum of exchange of Renminbi has no restraints.